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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What does the phrase "living water" mean to me?

Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well. She wasn't looking for him, but he found her. He was the one who made the offer of "living water" to her. Since Jesus is the same today as he was 2,000 years ago, it stands to reason that he is still seeking people that fit her description. She needed a savior, she needed acceptance, she needed forgiveness, she needed Jesus! He is the source of "living water."

I, too, needed a savior; I needed acceptance; I needed forgiveness and Jesus found me, but it doesn't stop there. He fills me with his love, his forgiveness and his acceptance so that I can, in turn, offer his love, his forgiveness and his acceptance to others. It should be a continuous never-ending flow from Jesus, through me and on to others.

The woman at the well couldn't wait to run into the village and share the good news with others. She wanted everyone to know about Jesus and brought them to meet him. When his love is flowing within us, as believers, we need to let that love flow out of us to all those around us.

This "living" source of nourishment comes because of God's Spirit living within us. Jesus told her that the time was coming when those who worshipped the Father would worship him in Spirit and Truth. With Jesus filling us every time we read the word and pray in his name, the flow continues to nourish us and we can nourish others.

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