Monday, April 25, 2011

Focus on God for a great beginning

Women of Faith wanted to know–How do you start your day? How's that working for you?

I start my day with a cup of home-brewed Starbucks and my devotions. I use several different devotional books to help get me on the right track. I found that after awhile I get into a "devotional rut" and have started to add a little variation. 

I use a journal to record notable events and prayers for those who are in my heart but I also now pray in color on occasion. This is a wonderful way to be creative while focusing on God and praying for the needs of others. I've included a picture from my praying in color journal. 

It's really easy for me to get sidetracked while I'm praying and reading scripture so I keep a piece of scrap paper handy to write down the things that pop into my head so I can remember them and deal with them later. 

When my dog starts snoring as she lays on the floor by my chair I often break into a song of praise. My singing isn't the greatest and that usually wakes her up. God doesn't mind that my voice is creaky–He's listening to my heart.

Before I open my Bible I ask God's Spirit to show me something new, teach me what I need to learn and I often have to ask for forgiveness for messing up the day before. Often as I pray, I will hear the Spirit direct me to send someone a card or give something to someone. 

There have been days when I had to be out the door early and didn't take time for devotions, but I know that God understands. He wants my undivided attention and usually I can give Him at least a half hour of uninterrupted time. It's the best part of my day!

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