Friday, March 11, 2011

Prayer for Japan

Father God, we come to you on behalf of the people of Japan and ask that you hear the cries of those who are hurt, grieving and overwhelmed by the devastating earthquake. We know that nothing comes as a surprise to you and that you care for all those who are suffering. We don't understand the loss of life, but we do trust in you.

Lord, may those affected by the earthquake and tsunami seek you in the midst of their pain. Your word says that all those who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.

We pray for rescuers to have supernatural wisdom to find people buried in the rubble. We pray that many people will be found safe because of miraculous circumstances created by you.

We are amazed at the people around the world who are willing to lend aid and support and pray that you will be glorified in the midst of all the suffering. Send Christian people to the area to be the hands and feet of Christ and bring many people into your kingdom as a result.

Be merciful God to the people of Japan. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen

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